Sunday, March 24, 2013

Book cover sketches: stevie wonder

For this project we were asked to design a book cover of a musician or musical group. I chose stevie Wonder as the artist for my book cover project. The first sketch has the title "Seeing the Music" on the front with an image of sunglasses surrounded by musical notes in the middle of the cover followed by the artist name and writers name. The binding has the title with a faded musical scale in the background. The back cover has a photo of stevie wonder, the title and about information with floating musical symbols in the background. The second sketch is titled "wonder of Life" in bold letters with clouds in the background. Right below that is the stevie wonder story and authors name. The bottom of the front cover has tall grass and a silhouette of a person with out stretched arms. The binding is the title with puff out letters that look like clouds. The back cover is simple and has the about information and a photo of stevie wonder. I like the first sketch personally, but and feedback would be great.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

awareness poster: Food banks

This awareness poster purpose is to shed light on the needs of local food banks and the need of better child nutrition.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Awareness Poster Sketches

 The first awareness poster has child asking "What's for dinner Mom?" with a table setup with a plate, fork, napkin, drinking glass, and a can of cat food on the plate. I hope to bring awareness to starving children living in the United States.
The second poster shows a rent a truck setup like and home with children saying good night and going to bed in a sleeping bag. This poster should make people aware of the homeless families in the United states. I am not sure which one to use, so I am hoping to get some feedback from my fellow classmates.